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1149 Klal 59 Siman 10-11: Shinui Makom 13 – Walking While Eating 2; Traveling 1

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1149 Klal 59 Siman 10-11: Shinui Makom 13 - Walking While Eating 2; Traveling 1

We are continuing in siman 10, and need to correct and clarify a point from yesterday. We learned that, according to the Chayei Adam, if one has daas to move from room to room within a house at the time they made their bracha, there is no issue of shinui makom. According to the Mishnah Berurah, even without daas at the time of the bracha, bedieved, one does not make a bracha from room to room. (This is true even without the idea of stam daas)Therefore, the Chayei Adam’s point as it regards moving from room to room is irrelevant according to the Mishnah Berurah.

We suggested that even according to the Mishnah Berurah, the Chayei Adam’s halacha would apply mi’bayis le’bayis, moving between different houses. In regards to the first halacha of the Chayei Adam from yesterday, that is true. As soon as one steps out of their house, even though they are eating along the way, a new bracha is needed. We then suggested that daas will help from bayis l’bayis, just like it helps from room to room according to the Chayei Adam. That is incorrect! Daas does not work from bayis l’bayis, with the exception of eating bread. By all other foods, even if one was eating along the way, he will need a new bracha once he steps out of his house 

We learned that the Chayei Adam holds that food already in one’s mouth while they are effecting a shinui makom does not require a new bracha. This halacha applies even if one were to move mi’bayis le’bayis.

Rav Moshe writes that if one continuously eats without any interruption while effecting a shinui makom, their bracha will extend, even mi’bayis le’bayis. He defines “without interruption” as each bite being toch k’dei dibbur (approximately 1.3 seconds) of the previous. Other poskim disagree with Rav Moshe on this point, so one should try not to rely on it. (Certainly the questionable opinion of the Chazon Ish gleaned from the story with Rav Chaim Kanievsky in yesterday’s shiur would disagree with Rav Moshe’s opinion.)

In siman 11, the Chayei Adam discusses the halachos of traveling. 

The halachos of shinui makom are predicated on beginning with a makom, and subsequently losing that makom. Therefore, since a person traveling is not considered as having begun with a specific makom, they do not need to make a new bracha. This halacha only applies while traveling; if a person began eating at home or during a break, they may be considered as having set for themselves a makom. We will clarify these halachos further, be’ezras Hashem.


  • One who is eating and moves between rooms in the same house does not need to make a new bracha to continue eating.
  • One who is eating and moves mi’bayis le’bayis must make a new bracha to continue eating.
    • If they are eating bread, and had intent at the time of the bracha to move mi’bayis le’bayis, they will not need to make a new bracha. This only works for bread.
    • Rav Moshe held that if one continuously eats (each bite toch k’dei dibbur of the previous) throughout their move, they do not need to make a new bracha. One should try not to rely on this psak, as many other poskim disagree.
  • Food which is already in one’s mouth when they move mi’bayis le’bayis does not need a new bracha to swallow it.
  • One who is actively traveling does not need to make a new bracha between each bite. However, if one stops for a break, and eats there, they would need to make a new bracha the next time they wish to eat. There are exceptions to this halcaha, as we will see.

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