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1168 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 10 – Waiting for the Food; Klal 5 Siman 7

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1168 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 10 - Waiting for the Food; Klal 5 Siman 7

 We have finished siman 5, and there are a few points we need to clarify.

We learned (shiur 1164, 1167) that, by default, a bracha does not extend from food to drink or vice versa. Rav Elyashiv ztl adds that this halacha also applies to even different foods or different drinks which serve different functions, such as food eaten as dessert instead of for satiation. If one did not have explicit daas at the beginning of the meal, or is not generally accustomed to eating in this manner, it would not be covered. Thus, for example, a shehakol on chicken would not cover a dessert of sorbet (without explicit daas or it being one’s general custom). 

In siman 6, the Chayei Adam discusses situations a) of one who makes a bracha on a fruit before the fruit was in front of them, b) if the fruit dropped between making the bracha and before eating from it, and c) when makes a bracha and then realizes their item was inedible. The Chayei Adam refers the learner to Klal 5, in which he discusses different rules of brachos in greater detail. 

Over there, he writes that there are five situations which require a new bracha. One of these cases is scenario a) above, when the item was not in front of the person when making the bracha, and one is not sure that the item will arrive. 

The Mishnah Berurah, in siman 206 (sk 19), clarifies the case. In a situation where the item is accessible, such as when it is within the same house, the Mishnah Berurah writes that one does not need to repeat the bracha bedieved. However, due to the hefsek between the bracha and consumption, and due to the halacha that one should hold an item in their hand when making a bracha, one should refrain from such a situation lechatchilla.

Regarding the latter case of the Chayei Adam, where it is not clear that the item is retrievable, the Mishnah Berurah agrees that one must repeat the bracha.


  • In the same manner that, by default, a bracha does not extend from food to drink, or vice versa, a bracha does not extend to different foods or different drinks which serve different functions, unless one has explicit daas or is accustomed to eating in this manner. 
  • If one makes a bracha without the item being in front of them, if the item is truly accessible they do not need to repeat the bracha bedieved. If it is not truly accessible, they must repeat their bracha.

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