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1253 – Brachos and Tefillos – (Klal 65 Siman 4-5) – Brachos and Tefillos Pratiyos – 11 – Sheasah Li Neis 4; Rabo; On the Person Himself

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1253 - Brachos and Tefillos - (Klal 65 Siman 4-5) - Brachos and Tefillos Pratiyos - 11 - Sheasah Li Neis 4; Rabo; On the Person Himself

 We have finished simanim 4 and 5, which discuss the bracha of sheasah li neis, and we have a few points to clarify.

 The Shulchan Aruch brings down another situation in which one would recite the bracha of sheasah li neis. If one’s Rebbe muvhak experienced a neis, the talmid would recite the bracha sheasah lerabi neis bamakom hazeh when passing that location. For example, when the Vilna Gaon’s mother was pregnant with him, she was almost run over by a passing carriage in a narrow alleyway. A neis occurred, and when she pressed herself against the wall, the wall made a cavity so she could be saved. When Rav Chaim Volozhin would pass that location, he would recite this bracha. 

In siman 218, the Rema brings from the Abudraham that a bracha is recited on the person for whom a neis occurred as well. If one recites a bracha on the location of the neis, certainly they should recite a bracha on the person for whom the neis occurred as well. Although neither the Rema nor Mishnah Berurah bring any differing opinions, the Shaar Hatziyun brings opinions that although one can recite this bracha on their parents if a neis occurred to them, it is not extended it to others, even if the person reciting the bracha has simcha from the fact they had a neis occur to them. 

Although it appears that the Shaar Hatziyun agrees that this bracha is recited at least on one’s parents, neither the Shulchan Aruch, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch nor Chayei Adam record this bracha. Therefore, it is advisable to recite it without Hashem’s name.

The bracha is recited once every 30 days. The bracha recited is baruch sheasah lecha neis, or baruch sheasah le’avi neis. If one made the bracha on the location within 30 days, they would not recite the bracha on the person, and vice versa. 

This bracha would be recited in conjunction with shehecheyanu. However, as we learned previously (shiur 1200), our minhag is to refrain from reciting shehecheyanu on someone not seen in 30 days. 


  • The bracha sheasah lerabi neis bamakom hazeh is recited upon a location in which one’s rebbe muvhak experienced a neis.
  • Although the Rema writes that one recites a bracha baruch sheasah lecha/le’avi neis on a person to whom a neis occurred, our minhag is to refrain from reciting the bracha with Hashem’s name.
    • If one recites this bracha, they would not recite the bracha on the location within 30 days, and vice versa.

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