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1381 – Tenaim in Asiyas Hamitzvos – (Klal 68 Siman 2) – Mitzvos Should Not Be Bazui To You 2

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1381 - Tenaim in Asiyas Hamitzvos - (Klal 68 Siman 2) - Mitzvos Should Not Be Bazui To You 2

 We are continuing siman 2, where the Chayei Adam discusses the concept of not doing mitzvos in a manner of bizayon. Yesterday, we learned the first application of this concept, that one should not do a mitzvah in a manner which appears flippant and degrading.

The Chayei Adam writes that the second application of not doing mitzvos in a manner of bizayon is that one should not do a mitzvah in a manner in which the mitzvah appears degrading for the person. For example, a person is concerned for their bodily needs more than for the mitzvah, and therefore wears gloves to avoid getting their hands dirty. The Gemara says that the azarah cried out in distress over four improper actions of the kohanim. One of these cries was in response to a kohen gadol who wore silk gloves when performing the avodah. Rashi points out that, aside from the gloves creating a halachic issue of chatzitzah, it is also a bizayon to perform the avodah in such a manner. Rashi adds that the cry of the azarah was not just over the avodah done improperly, but over the bizayon as well. 

The Chayei Adam adds that one should look in siman 651 seif 7, regarding one who takes their four minim through the medium with something which is not of the four minim. If the binder serves to give kavod for the mitzvah, such as something made of gold, they are yotzei. If the binder does not give kavod to the four minim, it is considered a chatzitzah and then considered likecha (taking) through a separate medium (al yedie davar acher), and one is not yotzei. Similarly, if one is wearing gloves when shaking lulav, if it is a kavod for the mitzvah, they are yotzei, but if it is not a kavod, they are not yotzei.

It is important to note that in these case, one is not yotzei even bedieved. Once the intermediary is considered a chatzitzah it falls afoul of the rule likecha al yedie davar acher, and they are not yotzei at all.


One should not perform a mitzvah in a manner which appears to be a bizayon. 

  • The first application of this concept is that one should not perform a mitzvah in a flippant or degrading manner. 
  • The second application of this concept is that one should not do a mitzvah in a manner in which the mitzvah appears degrading for the person

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