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1383 – Tenaim in Asiyas Hamitzvos – (Klal 68 Siman 2) – Mitzvos Should Not Be Bazui To You 4

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1383 - Tenaim in Asiyas Hamitzvos - (Klal 68 Siman 2) - Mitzvos Should Not Be Bazui To You 4

 We have finished siman 2 and have a few points to clarify.

First, we need to clarify whether the concept of bizayon of a mitzvah is deoraysa or derabanan. The Chayei Adam pointed out that it appears to be a drasha deoraysa, and that appears to be the consensus.

Second, this question raises the question of whether a person can convert an object from use for a mitzvah deoraysa to a mitzvah derabanan. Seemingly, if we understand bizayon mitzvah to be an issur deoraysa, converting the object to use for a mitzvah derabanan would essentially convert it to a mundane use, as the mitzvah derabanan has no significance on a Torah level. Nonetheless, the Chasam Sofer writes that it is not considered a bizayon, and permits one to do so, as it is for a mitzvah purpose. 

Third, the Sefer Chareidim understands there seven points which fall under the concept of bizui mitzvah. In some points he parallels the Chayei Adam, and some points are added:

  1. A mitzvah should be not performed in a flippant way (as the Chayei Adam discussed in shiur 1380)
  2. A person should not perform the mitzvah through a medium (e.g., taking a lulav or wearing gloves, as the Chayei Adam discussed in shiur 1381)
  3. A person should not use the mitzvah to benefit for their own purposes (as the Chayei Adam discussed in shiur 1382). 
  4. A person should not degrade the mitzvah out of consideration for their own bodily needs (e.g., wearing gloves out of disgust, as the Chayei Adam discussed in shiur 1381. This point is different from number two above, because in this case, the person is wearing gloves specifically out of concern for his kavod).
  5. A person should not use the item for their own benefit before the mitzvah is completed 
  1. A person should not eat or drink before davening. Chazal teach us that a person should not eat or drink before davening. Chazal learn this concept from the pasuk osi hishlachta acharei gei’veich, which Chazal understand as chastising a person who puts Hashem secondary to their personal ga’avah (i.e., their own needs). The Chareidim understands that Hashem gave us a body for mitzvos. If so, he seems to understand that putting Hashem after our own needs constitutes a bizui mitzvah.
  1. Being mevazeh a mitzvah by believing that the mitzvah is not a full-fledged mitzvah, such as believing that it is only a drasha from the chachamim and therefore not a “real” mitzvah. Aside for being apikorsus, it degrades the actual act of the mitzvah. Chazal say that one who questions the validity of Chazal is included in ki devar Hashem bazah, one who is mevazeh the mitzvos of Hashem.
  2. The halachos of what one does with the mitzvah item after completing a mitzvah, such as proper geniza, are also an expression of the concern of bizui mitzvah. 



  • Bizayon of a mitzvah is a din deoraysa.
  • One may convert an object for use from a mitzvah deoraysa to a mitzvah derabanan
  • The sefer Chareidim adds that using a mitzvah to benefit one’s own purposes, eating or drinking before davening, questioning the authenticity of a mitzvah, and proper care for a mitzvah item after it has been used all fall under the umbrella of bizui mitzvah

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