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1485 – Kavod Talmidei Chachamim – (Klal 69 Siman 3) 

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1485 - Kavod Talmidei Chachamim - (Klal 69 Siman 3) 

 We are beginning siman 3, discussing the halachos of kavod talmidei chachamim. The Chayei Adam will define when the chiyuv to stand up begins.

The Chayei Adam writes that the chiyuv to stand for one of the individuals we discussed previously (a talmid chacham or elderly Jew) only begins when the individual is within 4 amos of the person who needs to stand up. Since this is a din deoraysa, we would have to use a more machmir shita to determine the length of 4 amos. 

Rav Moshe holds that an amah is 22.5 inches, so one would have to stand up when the individual is within 7.5 feet. The Chazon Ish holds an amah is almost a full two feet, so the chiyuv would begin closer to 8 feet away. Rav Chaim Naeh holds an amah is 18 inches, so the chiyuv would begin only when the individual is within 6 feet. Thus, when the individual is approximately 6 to 8 feet away, one should stand up. It is proper to be machmir once they are 7.5 feet away.

The Chayei Adam explains that the shiur of 4 amos is in order to make it clear that the purpose of standing up is to show kavod to that individual. We learned that the chiyuv to stand for a talmid chacham is for the kavod hatorah, regardless of the individual; nevertheless, the act should be an act which clearly shows kavod to the individual who is representing the Torah. The Gemara says that if the individual is more than 4 amos away, there is no hiddur. We learned (shiur 1483) that the words takum vehadarta in the pasuk are read together, and taught us that the chiyuv to stand up applies to both a talmid chacham and a zakein. The Gemara also learns from this connection that the kimah (standing up) is only valid when there is hiddur with that kimah. Thus, if there is no hiddur, because the individual is too far away, there is no chiyuv to stand up.

This drasha that kimah only applies when there is hiddur also defines for us places of kimah. For example, there is no chiyuv to stand up for a talmid chacham in a beis hamerchatz (e.g., a mikvah) or beis hakisei, because it is not a place of giving kavod.

 The Chayei Adam writes that one should remain standing until the individual passes (even while they are still within four amos). He adds that some say that one only needs to remain standing until the individual passes four amos away. Nevertheless, the primary shita of the Chayei Adam seems to be that once the individual has passed, even if they are still within four amos, the hiddur has been demonstrated. The second opinion holds that the same way there is a chiyuv of kimah and hiddur within four amos when the individual is coming towards you, there is a chiyuv of kimah and hiddur when they are passing away from you as well.

If one is already standing when the individual passes by, the mitzvah to stand up obviously does not apply. Similarly, if one stands up too early, they have not specifically performed the mitzvah of kimah either. Even though their intent was proper, they have missed out on the mitzvah of kimah and hiddur. There are individuals where one must stand up for longer than four amos, but generally the chiyuv is only within four amos. Thus, one should not be machmir and stand earlier than when the individual is within four amos, because they will lose the mitzvah.


The chiyuv of kimah only applies when there is hiddur with the kimah. Thus:

  1. One should not stand up until the individual is within four amos;
  2. One does not stand up in a place where there is no hiddur, such as a beis hamerchatz or beis hakisei;
  3. One may sit down immediately after the individual has passed, even when they are still within four amos.


Since this chiyuv is a din deorasya, one should be machmir and approximate four amos as 7.5 feet.


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