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1154 Klal 59 Siman 15: Shinui Makom 18 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 2

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1154 Klal 59 Siman 15: Shinui Makom 18 - Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 2

 We are continuing in siman 15. We learned that a shinui makom does not affect the k’vius created by bread or any of the shivas haminim. One must return to their original place to recite bracha achrona, and, therefore, one does not make a new bracha rishona if they go to a different makom. The Chayei Adam expands on this halacha in regards to shivas haminim.

There are actually three opinions as to whether these halachos apply to the shivas haminim. One opinion applies it to bread only, one applies it to bread and mezonos which are pas haba’ah bekisnin, and one applies it to bread and all of the shivas haminim. The Chayei Adam explains that due to this machlokes, it is a safeik whether one should make a new bracha when it comes to any of the shivas haminim. Therefore one does not make a new bracha out of safeik. However, everyone agrees regarding bread that no new bracha is made, so one does not make a new bracha according to everyone.

The Mishnah Berurah appears to pasken differently. He holds like the Gra, that the primary opinion is the second opinion. Thus, one would not be obligated to return to their original place to recite bracha achrona for fruits of the shivas haminim, and they would recite a new bracha rishona in their new makom. 

If one is eating a mezonos food and a shehakol drink (or any other non-hamotzi or mezonos food), although the mezonos requires one to return to their original place, and does not require a new bracha in another place, the shehakol drink will not follow after the mezonos. Therefore, as one could make bracha achrona in their new place, therefore onewould need to make a new bracha rishona should they wish to drink again, whether in the new place and even if they return to their original place. However, if one washed and had bread, their k’vius established through the bread will extend to other foods as well, and they will not make a new bracha.

All of the scenarios which the Chayei Adam has discussed until now are bedieved. The Chayei Adam adds that if one washes for bread, it is muttar lechatchilla to move to another place. We will clarify this halacha more tomorrow, be’ezras Hashem.


  • If one is eating bread or any mezonos (with the exception of rice), they do not make a new bracha rishona if they effect a shinui makom.
  • If one is eating bread and another item, the k’vius established through the bread will extend to other foods as well, and they will not make a new bracha.
  • However, if one is eating mezonos and another item, the k’vius established through the mezonos does not extend, and they will require a new bracha on the other item.
  • The scenarios discussed until now are bedieved, with the exception of when one washes for bread, which may be muttar lechatchilla.

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