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1220 – Birchos Hodaah – (Klal 63 Siman 7) – Winds, Thunder, Lightning, etc. – 9 – Thunder and Lightning 1

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1220 - Birchos Hodaah - (Klal 63 Siman 7) - Winds, Thunder, Lightning, etc. - 9 - Thunder and Lightning 1

 We are beginning siman 7. The Chayei Adam discusses items which receive the bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis. Previously, we learned about items which received this bracha due to the item having remained in the same place since maaseh bereishis, therefore reminding us of the original creation (see shiur 1214). The items discussed in this siman relate to maaseh beraishis in the sense that they remind us of Hashem’s original maaseh beraishis.

The Chayei Adam begins with wind. Extraordinary winds, (which generally do not occur at night),  and which are significantly stronger than average winds, receive the bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis. These winds approximate the extraordinary winds which existed at the time of maaseh beraishis. An example of these winds include tornados.

Moving stars, which approximate Hashem placing the stars in shamayim, receive the bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis. Practical examples include meteors (a.k.a. Shooting stars) and comets. 

Thunder and lightning receive the bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis. These fill the world with Hashem’s power and therefore bring to mind maaseh beraishis. 

If thunder and lightning occur simultaneously, the minhag is to make the bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis on both. If they do not occur simultaneously, the minhag is to recite oseh maaseh beraishis on the lightning, and bracha of shekocho ugvuraso malei olam on the thunder. By reciting both brachos, one accentuates Hashem’s power (on the thunder) while also making note of maaseh beraishis (on the lightning). The minhag is to make both brachos in order to touch on both elements.

If one flips the brachos, or recites the same bracha twice, they are yotzei. 

These brachos should be made toch kdei dibbur (approximately 1.3 seconds) of the occurrence 


  • The bracha of oseh maaseh beraishis is made on:
    • Extraordinary winds (e.g., tornados)
    • Moving stars (e.g. meteors and comets)
    • Thunder and lightning, when occurring simultaneously
      • If thunder and lightning do not occur simultaneously, oseh maaseh beraishis is recited on the lighting, and shekocho ugvuraso malei olam is recited on the thunder.
  • These brachos should be made toch kdei dibbur (approximately 1.3 seconds) of the occurrence

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