This website is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas R’ Shmuel Yitzchak ben R’ Moshe A”H ר’ שמואל יצחק בן ר’ משה ע”ה
For Halachik questions please contact Rabbi Reingold at

October 30, 2023

Seudos Shabbos 9 – Seuda Shlishis 5 – Timing 4 (Klal 7 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos – S0202

  The current series, which will cover seudos Shabbos and fasting on Shabbos, is available for sponsorship. Please contact Rabbi Reingold for more information.   We are continuing in siman 3, where the Chayei Adam is discussing the appropriate time for seudah shlishis. Today, we will clarify how shkia and bein hashmashos apply to seudah […]

Seudos Shabbos 9 – Seuda Shlishis 5 – Timing 4 (Klal 7 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos – S0202 Read More »

Seudos Shabbos – 8 – Seuda Shlishis  – 4;  Food Options (Klal 7 Siman 3) – Hilchos Shabbos – S0201

The current series, which will cover seudos Shabbos and fasting on Shabbos, is available for sponsorship. Please contact Rabbi Reingold for more information. We are continuing in siman 3, where the Chayei Adam is discussing the halachos of seudah shlishis. The Chayei Adam writes that one who is unable to eat bread at seudah shlishis,

Seudos Shabbos – 8 – Seuda Shlishis  – 4;  Food Options (Klal 7 Siman 3) – Hilchos Shabbos – S0201 Read More »

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