Borrer 22 – Ochel and Pesoles from Pesoles 2 – Removing a Fly from Soup (Klal 16 Siman 10, 12) Hilchos Shabbos – S0439

  We are continuing in siman 10. We left off with the Chayei Adam’s opinion that if one is concerned the cream will spoil, they could ask a non-Jew to remove it, since inherently it is not borrer because both are edible items. Today, we will clarify this psak.   We have learned that when […]

Borrer 22 – Ochel and Pesoles from Pesoles 2 – Removing a Fly from Soup (Klal 16 Siman 10, 12) Hilchos Shabbos – S0439 Read More »