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1126 Klal 57 Siman 7-8: Order of Brachos 11 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 6

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1126 Klal 57 Siman 7-8: Order of Brachos 11 - Items Which Have Two Brachos 6

We are beginning siman 7. We learned that the Chayei Adam understands that when two items are of the shivas haminim, their order in the pasuk will indicate the order of their brachos, regardless of all other considerations. Based on this thought process, we learned that the Chayei Adam holds that olives would precede barley, because olives are right next to the second eretz in the pasuk, while barley is one word removed from the first eretz in the pasuk.

However, wine, whose bracha is more mevoreres, precedes olives, even though olives are right next to the second eretz in the pasuk and grapes are two words removed from the first eretz in the pasuk. The Chayei Adam explains that the combination of the incredible chashivus of wine and the fact that the bracha is more mevoreres overrides his rule that we follow the order of the pasuk.

Mezonos, even of barley, precedes wine, because it is earlier in the pasuk and the bracha mezonos is also a bracha mevoreres. However, it does not precede olives, because olives are written even earlier than barley, and the Chayei Adam holds that the advantage of mevoreres is not sufficient to override the order of the pasuk.

According to the Chayei Adam, a halachic conundrum is created, because olives precede barley (because of olives placement in the pasuk), barley precedes wine (because of barleys placement in the pasuk), and wine precede olives (because of its chashivus).

However, according to the Mishnah Berurah, barley precedes both olives and wine, and wine precedes olives. He holds, along with the opinion of many achronim, that the order of the pasuk does not override mevoreres. So all types of mezonos go before olives.Therefore, the conundrum is not relevant. According to the Mishnah Berurah, the order will be mezonos (regardless of type), wine, and then the order of the pasuk–olives, dates, figs, and pomegranates.

In siman 8, the Chayei Adam summarizes his order of considerations when one has two food items, according to his opinion:

  1. The order of the pasuk (with which the Mishnah Berurah disagrees and holds mevoreres overrides)

  2. The specificity of the bracha (mevoreres)

  3. Shivas haminim (if one item is of the shivas haminim and one is not)

  4. Whole

  5. Chaviv

Be’ezras Hashem, we will learn these more in depth tomorrow, along with the opinion of the Mishnah Berurah.


According to the Chayei Adam, the order of considerations when one has two food items is:

  1. The order of the pasuk

    1. The exception to the rule is wine, which overrides olives but does not override barley.

  2. The specificity of the bracha (mevoreres)

  3. Shivas haminim (if one item is of the shivas haminim and one is not)

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