We have finished siman 5, and were discussing cases in which it would be muttar to create a belilah avah on Shabbos. We learned that if the ingredients naturally mix when they are first placed together, even according to Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda there is no heter to mix them together, even for a child or choleh.
A scenario would be a child who will only eat chopped up food when it is mixed with something such as applesauce. These are items which do not inherently(unaided) create a belilah avah as they do not naturally mix well together. It is similar to mayonnaise, in that mixing does not occur unaided, but the applesauce does mix somewhat better than mayonnaise, thereby, according to Rebbi, having a losh problem in the first stage. But it is not like flaxseed, as it only becomes truly mixed when they are actively mixed together. In such a case, one can rely on Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda that losh only begins in the second stage. At that point, they can stir it in a crisscross fashion.
In a case in which one is relying on Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda to create a belilah avah, arguably they do not need to change the order of the ingredients. According to Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda, there is no melacha being performed, so seemingly there is no need for a shinui. And according to Rebbi, there is melacha being performed, but the shinui of changing the order of the ingredients is not sufficient, so it does not help.
That being said, either way, even if the first step is not losh mideoraysa, it is definitely an activity which Chazal made assur since it is akin to the losh process, under the issur of uvda d’chol. Therefore, one should change the order of the placement of their ingredients, in order to avoid the issue of uvda d’chol. As we have learned, shinui depends on the locale.
To clarify, In this case, there is some level of mixture between the applesauce and food, but it will not fully mix until there is some stirring. In the ingredients in siman 5, it will fully mix on its own without any stirring. Once they meet, the combining will take place on its own.
- In cases of need, the Shulchan Aruch writes that one can rely on the opinion that losh only begins with the second stage (at which point one can use a stronger shinui) and place the ingredients together.
- That being said, cases in which Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda agrees that losh begins in the first stage will certainly be assur without any heter. Examples include items which naturally mass, such as flaxseed and water, or oatmeal.
- Items such as applesauce are considered a component to a belilah avah, but since they have somewhat more absorbing qualities than the items in siman 5, they will be muttar in a case of necessity. One must stir them with a shinui because of losh, and with a shinui in the first stage also, because of uvda d’chol.