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Bishul 11 – Kdei Klipah 2; Pouring into Liquids 1 (Klal 20 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos – S0508

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Bishul 11 - Kdei Klipah 2; Pouring into Liquids 1 (Klal 20 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos - S0508
We are continuing in siman 3, discussing the concept of irui kli rishon. The Chayei Adam clarifies that the halacha we have been discussing on irui kli rishon affecting a kdei klipah worth of a food applies to a solid. If one performs irui kli rishon into a liquid, the nature of liquid is that it mixes together immediately. If so, maybe it can be argued that it does not cook any of the liquid. When it comes to irui kli rishon on a solid, the irui kli rishon liquid sits on the solid for a few moments, giving it the ability to cook. Since liquids mix immediately, maybe it could be argued that the irui kli rishon liquid does not have the ability to cook the liquid it touches.  This question is a machokes rishonim. The Rashba and Ran hold there is no issur of irui kli rishon onto a liquid, for the reason we discussed. However, Tosfos disagrees, and holds there is a concept of irui kli rishon onto a liquid, even if they immediately mixed together. The Chayei Adam follows the approach of Tosfos, and the Mishnah Berurah concludes that since it is a safeik deoraysa (of bishul), one should be machmir. Bedieved, if it was performed, we have learned that when it is a machlokes whether something is assur to start with, even though we are machmir not to do it, bedieved there is no issur of maaseh Shabbos, as we rely on the mekeilim in regards to the issur derabanan of maaseh Shabbos. (s506).   The Chayei Adam writes that the halacha of irui kli rishon applies to a solid. When it comes to liquid, it is muttar to pour hot water (irui kli rishon) into cold water, or the opposite. However, the Chayei Adam clarifies that this heter only applies when there is so much cold water, the hot water will remove the chill from the cold water, but will otherwise not overwhelm the hot water, such that the hot water has no chance of raising the cold water to yad soledes bo. If there is not enough cold water, the hot water will cook the cold water and raise its temperature to yad soledes bo, which will be assur. (According to the Rashba, this case would also be muttar, but we are being machmir like Tosfos)   Summary
  • The concept of irui kli rishon cooking kdei klipah only applies to a solid food. Regarding liquids, it is a machlokes, and the Chayei Adam paskens that one may not pour into a liquid either.
  • However, if there is enough cold (ie, kli sheini and colder) liquid that the hot liquid cannot raise the cold liquid to yad soledes bo, it is muttar to mix the liquids, since it does not cook at all.
  • Similarly, one may pour cold water into kli rishon hot water, if there is enough cold water such that the cold water will not be heated to yad soledes bo. 

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