This website is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas R’ Shmuel Yitzchak ben R’ Moshe A”H ר’ שמואל יצחק בן ר’ משה ע”ה
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Rephael Cattan

1134 Klal 58 Siman 6-7: Mistakes in Brachos 5 – Kavanah 2

We are continuing in siman 6. We learned yesterday that the Gemara discusses a situation in which a person begins a bracha incorrectly and realizes their mistake. The Gemara discusses whether we follow the person’s original bracha or their corrected version. The Gemara does not resolve the question.   We learned that Rashi understands the

1134 Klal 58 Siman 6-7: Mistakes in Brachos 5 – Kavanah 2 Read More »

1133 Klal 58 Siman 6: Mistakes in Brachos 4 – Kavanah 1

We are beginning siman 6. The Gemara discusses a situation in which a person begins a bracha incorrectly and realizes their mistake. The Gemara discusses whether we follow the person’s original bracha or their corrected version.   The Rif understands the case of the Gemara as where the person finished their incorrect bracha, and then

1133 Klal 58 Siman 6: Mistakes in Brachos 4 – Kavanah 1 Read More »

1130 Klal 58 Siman 1-2: Mistakes in Brachos 1 – Hamotzi and Mezono

We are beginning Klal 58, which discusses mistakes made when reciting brachos. The first point the Chayei Adam makes is that if one recites mezonos on bread, they are yotzei. The Nishmas Adam explains that the source for this halacha is pas haba’ah bekisnin. We have learned (shiur 1065, 1067), that there are three possible

1130 Klal 58 Siman 1-2: Mistakes in Brachos 1 – Hamotzi and Mezono Read More »

1129 Klal 57 Siman 9-10: Order of Brachos 14 – Fully Grown Fruits, Covering the Bread During Kiddush

We are beginning siman 9. The Chayei Adam writes that the advantage of shivas haminim only applies when the fruits are fully ripe, because the Torah’s praise of Eretz Yisroel through these fruits applies specifically when they are fully grown. The Chayei Adam writes of an example prevalent to his time in which pickled olives

1129 Klal 57 Siman 9-10: Order of Brachos 14 – Fully Grown Fruits, Covering the Bread During Kiddush Read More »

1127 Klal 57 Siman 8: Order of Brachos 12 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 7

We are continuing siman 8. The Chayei Adam makes a final list of the considerations to take into account when determining the correct order for reciting brachos between two items. There are some differences between his order and that of the Mishnah Berurah; since we ultimately pasken in accordance with the Mishnah Berurah, we will

1127 Klal 57 Siman 8: Order of Brachos 12 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 7 Read More »

1126 Klal 57 Siman 7-8: Order of Brachos 11 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 6

We are beginning siman 7. We learned that the Chayei Adam understands that when two items are of the shivas haminim, their order in the pasuk will indicate the order of their brachos, regardless of all other considerations. Based on this thought process, we learned that the Chayei Adam holds that olives would precede barley,

1126 Klal 57 Siman 7-8: Order of Brachos 11 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 6 Read More »

1125 Klal 57 Siman 6: Order of Brachos 10 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 5

We are beginning siman 6. In siman 6, 7 and 9, the Chayei Adam works with an assumption which impacts the halachos of these simanim. We will learn that the Mishnah Berurah argues on this assumption. The Magen Avraham grapples with the idea that, on the one hand, we have a concept that the closer

1125 Klal 57 Siman 6: Order of Brachos 10 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 5 Read More »

1124 Klal 57 Siman 5: Order of Brachos 9 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 4

We are continuing siman 5. The Chayei Adam discusses a unique scenario of seder brachos between haeitz and haadama. The Chayei Adam discusses a case of one who has two foods, one which is haeitz and one which is haadama, where the haeitz is generally the chaviv, but at the moment the haadama is chaviv.

1124 Klal 57 Siman 5: Order of Brachos 9 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 4 Read More »

1123 Klal 57 Siman 5: Order of Brachos 8- Items Which Have Two Brachos 3

We are beginning siman 5. The Chayei Adam summarizes the halachos we have learned thus far. When two items are birchoseihen shavos (the same bracha), and the rules of precedence apply, if neither is of the shivas haminim, the chaviv takes precedence. If one of them is shivas haminim, it takes precedence, even if it

1123 Klal 57 Siman 5: Order of Brachos 8- Items Which Have Two Brachos 3 Read More »

1122 Klal 57 Siman 4: Order of Brachos 7- Items Which Have Two Brachos 2

We are continuing in siman 4. In the beginning of the siman, we learned the opinion of the Chayei Adam that when one has foods of two different brachos in front of them, they only follow the seder brachos above all other considerations, in order to make the brachos in their order of specificity. No

1122 Klal 57 Siman 4: Order of Brachos 7- Items Which Have Two Brachos 2 Read More »

1121 Klal 57 Siman 4: Order of Brachos 6 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 1

We are beginning siman 4. Many people grow up under the impression that the proper order in which to recite brachos includes making haeitz before haadama. However, many poskim assume that the specificity of haeitz and haadama are the same, and there is no order to them. In Siman 211, the Shulchan Aruch presents two

1121 Klal 57 Siman 4: Order of Brachos 6 – Items Which Have Two Brachos 1 Read More »

1119 Chaye Adam –  Klal 57 Siman 2: Order of Brachos 4 – Defining Chashivus 3: Order of the Seven Species

We are continuing siman 2. The Chayei Adam identified three indicators for determining chashivus for seder brachos. These were: whether the item was of the shivas haminim; the specificity of the bracha; the order of the shivas haminim themselves as determined from the pasuk. Today we will discuss the third indicator. The Chayei Adam writes

1119 Chaye Adam –  Klal 57 Siman 2: Order of Brachos 4 – Defining Chashivus 3: Order of the Seven Species Read More »

1118 Klal 57 Siman 2 Order of Brachos 3 Defining Chashivus 2 Specificity

1118 Klal 57 Siman 2: Order of Brachos 3 – Defining Chashivus 2: Specificity   We are continuing in siman 2. The Chayei Adam began the siman by stating that one of the indicators of chashivus is whether an item was of the shivas haminim. We explained that significance of chashivus in terms of the

1118 Klal 57 Siman 2 Order of Brachos 3 Defining Chashivus 2 Specificity Read More »

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