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Bishul 12 – Pouring into Liquids 2 (Klal 20 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos – S0509

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Bishul 12 - Pouring into Liquids 2 (Klal 20 Siman 3) Hilchos Shabbos - S0509
  We are continuing in siman 3, discussing the concept of irui kli rishon. We left off discussing pouring irui kli rishon water into cold water, or cold water into kli rishon water.    The Chayei Adam writes that it is muttar to pour hot water into cold water, or cold water into hot water, on condition that there is so much cold water, it is impossible for the hot water to raise the cold water to the temperature of yad soledes bo. Additionally, in the scenario of adding cold to hot water, the Chayei Adam says that the cold water must all be added at once, before the hot water has the ability to cook any amount of cold water. If it is poured in piecemeal, it is assur, since the first water to be poured in will become cooked.    The Mishnah Berurah quotes the Chayei Adam in siman 318. In the Shaar Hatziyun, he questions it. He writes that the Chayei Adam is assuming that bishul occurs immediately, such that as soon as a small amount of cold water is poured into hot water, it immediately cooks, and therefore it does not help that more cold water is poured in afterwards.  However, it is questionable whether bishul truly occurs immediately. We find within some of the halachos of Yoreh Deah that something does not become assur until it has enough time to get onto the fire and cook, implying that the mere placement of food does not immediately create bishul, but that it can take some time for something to heat up. Therefore, the Mishnah Berurah writes that he does not understand why it is a problem to pour in the water piecemeal.   We will discuss this question further in the upcoming shiur, be’ezras Hashem   Summary
  • The concept of irui kli rishon cooking kdei klipah only applies to a solid food. Regarding liquids, it is a machlokes, and the Chayei Adam paskens that one may not pour into a liquid either.
  • However, if there is enough cold (ie, kli sheini and colder) liquid that the hot liquid cannot raise the cold liquid to yad soledes bo, it is muttar to mix the liquids, since it does not cook at all.
  • Similarly, one may pour cold water into kli rishon hot water, if there is enough cold water such that the cold water will not be heated to yad soledes bo. 
  • The Chayei Adam additionally holds that the cold water must be poured in all at once, implying that bishul would otherwise occur instantaneously. The Mishnah Berurah takes issue with this point.

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