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Bishul 20 – Davar Gush 2 (Klal 20 Siman 5) Hilchos Shabbos – S0517

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Bishul 20 - Davar Gush 2 (Klal 20 Siman 5) Hilchos Shabbos - S0517
We are continuing in siman 5, where the Chayei Adam discusses davar gush. We gave an introduction in the previous shiur and today we will learn the language of the Chayei Adam   The Chayei Adam writes that a piece of hot meat or any other solid item which is yad soledes bo will cook even when removed from a kli rishon. Even after it is placed in a kli sheini, and has had the opportunity to cool down from the kli sheini, the Magen Avraham writes that we have to be concerned that davar gush still has the ability to cook. Therefore, it is assur to rub raw garlic or raw onions on meat sitting in a kli sheini on Shabbos, in order to create a certain dish called phis nages. Even without knowing the exact dish the Chayei Adam is discussing, we can understand the application, which is that we must be concerned for bishul due to the meat being a davar gush.  Similarly, the Chayei Adam writes that roasted meat cannot be smeared with oil or spices. Even though it was roasted directly over the fire, and was never in a kli rishon, the concept of davar gush still applies.    It is similarly assur to place hot meat into cold liquid. We have a concern that the meat will heat up the liquid surrounding it. We have learned that a hot liquid poured into a cold liquid mixes together completely such that there is no concern for bishul. There is no concern for bishul even kdei klipah, because the two liquids completely blend together. However, when it comes to a davar gush, the two items do not blend, so there is concern for bishul kdei klipah of the liquid adjacent to the davar gush.  However, the Chayei Adam concludes this concern of the Magen Avraham about davar gush with tzarich iyun. As we learned, it is clear in Yoreh Deah that davar gush is a concern and imparts and absorbs flavor. Whether it cooks in a kli sheini is debatable.   Reb Moshe was asked about putting ketchup on a davar gush. Ketchup is previously cooked and then cooled to room temperature or kept in the fridge. We pasken that once a liquid has cooled down, we are concerned that yeish bishul achar bishul. If so, placing ketchup on a davar gush should be a concern of bishul. However, Rav Moshe concludes that one does not need to be machmir in this case. He explains that one does not need to be machmir for both the chumrah of bishul achar bishul of liquids and davar gush together. Therefore, it is muttar to add ketchup to a davar gush.  It is debatable whether ketchup is considered a davar lach, as some disagree.    Summary
  • The concept of davar gush is that a solid food retains heat more than a liquid. We are concerned that a solid cooked without liquid can perform bishul in a kli sheini. If there is liquid in the pot as well, we are not concerned for bishul in a kli sheini. 
  • Although it is debatable whether davar gush cooks in a kli sheini, we are machmir out of safeik.
  • Reb Moshe held that one can add ketchup to a davar gush, because one does not need to be machmir both for the safeik of davar gush and yeish bishul achar bishul.

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