We are beginning siman 3, where the Chayei Adam will discuss the idea that a kli rishon which is off of the fire can still have the ability to cook if the temperature inside of the kli is yad soledes bo. We learned that the Yerushalmi holds that once the kli rishon is off of the fire, it no longer has the status of a kli which can cook.
We need to clarify the machlokes between the Bavli and Yerushalmi. It is hard to imagine that it is a machlokes metzius (argument about the physical reality of a kli rishon). As we learned, the melacha is not cooking, per se, but effecting change in an item through heat. If so, if one changes an item without fire, the item was certainly affected, even if not due to fire. The Yerushalmi holds that for a kli rishon to have the status of bishul, it has to be on the fire, and once it is off the fire, even though it is hot, heat alone is not enough. Therefore, it is no longer the bishul described in the Torah and not included in the melacha (although there may be an issue of makeh bepatish in some cases). The Bavli understands that even when the pot is removed from the fire, it is still chayav because it has the ability to cook, and any heat which effects change in the item is included in the melacha of bishul.
The Chayei Adam defines a kli rishon as the pot which is put on the fire. Even after the kli rishon is removed from the fire, it still has the ability to cook as long as it is yad soledes bo. If the food is moved into a bowl, platter or soup tureen, it is a kli sheini. If it is further moved into another vessel, it is a kli shlishi.
We pasken that kli rishon cooks, and that kli sheini generally does not cook (we will discuss some exceptions, be’ezras Hashem). A kli shlishi certainly does not cook. When the kli rishon is poured into the kli sheini, it is considered irui kli rishon. It has a certain level of ability to cook, which is that it cooks kdei klipah, the thickness of the outer layer of the food. We will clarify the principles of kdei klipah in the upcoming shiurim, be’ezras Hashem.
- The Chayei Adam paskens like the Bavli, that a kli rishon has the ability to cook even when it is off of the fire, as long as it is still yad soledes bo inside the kli.
- In most situations, kli sheini does not cook, but irui kli rishon cooks kdei klipah.