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Dosh 9 – Squeezing Fruits 6 (Klal 14 Siman 3-4) Hilchos Shabbos – S0371

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Dosh 9 - Squeezing Fruits 6 (Klal 14 Siman 3-4) Hilchos Shabbos - S0371
Sponsorships for the upcoming Klalim, which discuss the 39 melachos of Shabbos, are available. Please contact Rabbi Reingold for more information at or 301.996.5910   We are finishing siman 3 and beginning siman 4, where the Chayei Adam has been discussing the concept of mashkeh ba laochel. The Chayei Adam ends the siman with the question of whether it is proper to rely on the concept of mashkeh ba laochel to consider a squeezed liquid as a food or not. He writes that the Shulchan Aruch allows one to squeeze grapes into a food, based on the concept that a mashkeh ba laochel is considered a food. The Chayei Adam himself is machmir, based on Rabbeinu Chananel, and maintains that one should be machmir due to the safeik deoraysa, as we have learned. We learned that (s370), according to the Mishnah Berurah, it is appropriate to be machmir for Rabbeinu Chananel, but it is not a safeik deoraysa that way the Chayei Adam understands it. The Mishnah Berurah agrees that one should not rely on the leniency for grapes and olives, since those are a potential issur deoraysa of sechita, as we have learned (s369). Nevertheless, the Mishnah Berurah holds one can rely on it for other fruits, such as lemons.    Regarding fruits such as berries and pomegranates (and, by extension, all citrus), the Mishnah Berurah writes that it is preferable to be machmir like the Rabbeinu Chananel, due to the possibility that they are classified as mashkeh and therefore included in the issur deoraysa (see shiur s366-367).    When it comes to lemons, there is an additional argument to be lenient, as we will explain.    The Chayei Adam writes that the Shulchan Aruch says that  it is muttar to squeeze lemons into water and mix with sugar. He explains that lemons were used primarily as a condiment or dip, so squeezing the fruit for the purpose of drinking it (ie, lemonade) would be muttar. The Chayei Adam points out that this psak applies to the time of the Shulchan Aruch. Nowadays, where it is known that it is used as an ingredient in a drink (in his time, known as punch), it is definitely questionable whether they can be squeezed as a liquid or whether it is now akin to berries and pomegranates. He then suggests   that the lemons be squeezed onto sugar to give them the halacha of mashkeh habaah leochel   The Chayei Adam ends with a tzarich iyun regarding the use of lemons. The Mishnah Berurah conclusively writes that there is no need to be machmir for the opinion of Rabbeinu Chananel, and it is completely muttar to squeeze lemons onto sugar. We will discuss the Mishnah Berurah’s opinion in the upcoming shiur, be’ezras Hashem.   Summary
  • Although the Chayei Adam is concerned for the opinion of the Chayei Adam regarding squeezing liquid onto a food, the Shulchan Aruch paskens that one does not have to be concerned for it, but one who is machmir for it tavo alav bracha. 
  • Regarding squeezing lemons onto food specifically, the Mishnah Berurah paskens that there is no need to be machmir whatsoever.

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