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Fasting on Erev Shabbos 2 – (Klal 1 Siman 9) Erev Shabbos- S0028

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Fasting on Erev Shabbos 2 - (Klal 1 Siman 9) Erev Shabbos- S0028

 We are continuing in siman 9, discussing fasting on erev Shabbos. We learned that one should not fast on erev Shabbos, so that they enjoy Shabbos from the moment it begins. We left off regarding the minhag to fast on a yahrzeit, and what to do when the yahrzeit falls out on erev Shabbos. 

The Chayei Adam writes that if the first year of the anniversary of the yahrzeit falls out on erev Shabbos, one may fast but should not complete the fast. Rather, they may make kiddush as soon as they return home from shul, even if they accept Shabbos at plag. Since they took on this practice from the first year of the yahrzeit, in any future year that the yahrzeit falls out on Shabbos, they follow their practice of the first year. 

However, if the first year of the anniversary of the yahrzeit falls out during the week, they should fast until nightfall, so they undertook the fast as one in which they will generally complete the fast. Therefore, they must complete the fast on erev Shabbos into Shabbos as well, and would have to wait until tzais hakochavim to make kiddush (see previous shiur). However, the Chayei Adam writes that if a person feels weak from the fast, they may break it.

 Alternatively, they can perform hataras nedarim. Although they may never have explicitly stated that they would take on to fast on their parents yahrzeit as a neder, once a person performs a davar tov (a proper act), even if they had no intention of continuing it, if they perform it three times, it becomes a neder miderabanan. Alternatively, if they practice this davar tov once with the intent to continue it, it also becomes a neder miderabanan. Thus, once a person has fasted once on a yahrzeit and has the intent to continue this practice every year, the practice has the equivalent status of a neder derabanan, and requires hataras nedarim. Therefore, the Chayei Adam suggests performing hataras nedarim to avoid the need to fast until nightfall.

Regarding the concept of not entering Shabbos in a state of discomfort, it is important to know that the Arizal was known for sleeping on erev Shabbos. Entering Shabbos in a state of exhaustion is also discomfort, similar to being hungry. Similarly, if a person has something on their mind, if they are able to spend a few minutes thinking about it in order to alleviate or mitigate it before Shabbos, that would be appropriate as well. Chazal understood the importance of entering Shabbos in a physical and emotional state of mind in which one can fully enjoy Shabbos. 


  • One should not fast on erev Shabbos. If they accept a personal fast on Friday, they should stipulate that they will break it when they are ready to accept Shabbos (even if they accept Shabbos at plag). Even if they did not make this stipulation, their fast is still over when they accept Shabbos.
  • However, as we have learned, for one who is able, it is appropriate to skip a meal–without fasting the entire day–in order to enter Shabbos with an appetite.
  • Regarding a yahrzeit, if a person has the minhag to fast on the yahrzeit of a parent, they may fast when the yahrzeit falls out on erev Shabbos. Regarding completing the fast:
    • If the first year they fasted was erev Shabbos, and they did not complete the fast, they never have to complete the fast when it falls on erev Shabbos. 
    • If the first year they fasted was a weekday, they must complete the fast even on erev Shabbos.
    • However, if they are not feeling well, or perform hataras nedarim, they do not have to complete the fast.
  • If possible, one should rest on erev Shabbos in order to not enter Shabbos in a state of exhaustion.


Pesach 5783

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