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Havdalah on Motzai Yom Tov 2 (Klal 8 Siman 37) Hilchos Shabbos – S0254

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D'var Halacha
Havdalah on Motzai Yom Tov 2 (Klal 8 Siman 37) Hilchos Shabbos - S0254
  BE”H, we will be starting Klal 9 on January 3rd. Klal 9 is all of the basic rules of meleches Shabbos, and therefore a very important klal. Sponsorships are available for the whole klal or individual concepts or individual shiurim. Please contact Rabbi Reingold at (301)996-5910 or to sponsor   We are continuing in siman 37, where the Chayei Adam is discussing the halachos of havdalah on Motzai Yom Tov. We learned that the halachos of havdalah on Motzai Yom Tov are similar to those of Motzai Shabbos, with some exceptions.   One is not allowed to perform melacha on Motzai Yom Tov until making havdalah, just like on Motzai Shabbos. Reciting baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol is sufficient to permit melacha. On the other hand, melachos which were muttar on Yom Tov, such as cooking, may be performed on Motzai Yom Tov even before reciting a havdalah. The havdalah is only for melachos which were assur over Yom Tov. Thus, for example, one may move a fire from one place to another before reciting havdalah, but may not light a new fire until reciting havdalah.    We learned that if one forgot or was unable to recite havdalah on Motzai Shabbos, they have until the end of Tuesday to recite havdalah, since the beginning of the week is connected to the previous Shabbos. When it comes to Yom Tov, one has until shkia of the next day, which is the end of Isru Chag, to recite havdalah. For example, if Yom Tov ends on Tuesday night, they have until Wednesday at shkia to recite havdalah.  If one forgot havdalah on Motzai Rosh Hashanah, they should have until the end of the following day, but the following day is Tzom Gedaliah. On the fast, they are unable to drink the kos, and after the fast is over, it will be too late to recite havdalah. The sefer Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa writes that one should make havdalah on the fast and give the wine to a katan to drink. He compares it to the case of a bris milah on Tisha Bav, where we make the brachos on a kos and give it to a katan to drink.    The Chayei Adam continues, and writes that if Yom Tov falls out on Motzai Shabbos, one adds the paragraph of va’to’di’einu to the shemoneh esrei, right after atah bechartanu. If one forgot to recite it, they do not have to go back, similar to one who forgot atah chonantanu. If one forgot to recite havdalah during kiddush, they would take a separate kos and make havdalah by itself. If, when they made kiddush, they had planned to drink during their meal, they would not need to make a second hagafen, because the hagafen from kiddush covers this kos of havdalah.    Summary
  • Melachos which were assur on Yom Tov cannot be performed on Motzai Yom Tov until reciting havdalah. Melachos which were muttar on Yom Tov may be performed even before reciting havdalah.
  • If one forgot havdalah on Motzai Yom Tov, they have until shkia of Isru Chag to recite havdalah. On Motzai Rosh Hashanah which goes into Tzom Gedaliah, they should make havdalah and give the kos to a katan.
  • If Yom Tov falls on Motzai Shabbos, one recites the paragraph of va’to’di’einu in shemoneh esrei.
  • If one forgot to make havdalah in kiddush, they take a separate kos and recite havdalah. If, when making kiddush, they planned to drink during their meal, they do not recite hagafen on the kos havdalah.

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