We are beginning Klal 19, which discusses the melacha of losh. Losh is translated as kneading, because it is the closest English word which describes the losh process. However, it does not fully capture the melacha. The melacha is the process of combining a solid together with a liquid in order to create a mass. The most common example is flour and water which become a dough.
When making a dough, there are usually two steps to the process. The first step is combining the flour and water i.e. placing them together in the container even without any mixing action, and the second stage is actively stirring and mixingthem. The second stage could be defined as the act of kneading, but kneading brings to mind working the dough even once it is fully combined. From a melacha standpoint, losh is the act of combining the flour and water together, and once the combining is completed, the primary melacha of losh has ended. (There may be a toldah which takes place afterwards.)
Within this combining process of losh, which includes both steps of placing both items into a container and actively combining them, there is a machlokes which point specifically is the melacha of losh. There is a machlokes Rebbi and Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda on this point, and a machlokes poskim how we pasken. Rebbi says that the chiyuv losh begins immediately once a person places the flour and water together in the container, even though one has not actively combined or stirred them. Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda holds one is not chayav until they begin to actively stir them together.
Most poskim follow Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda that the chiyuv only begins once a person begins to actively stir or combine the items together. However, some poskim follow Rebbi that the chiyuv begins immediately. Even according to Rebbi, the second stage is also a melacha as well. Halacha lemaaseh, the three primary pillars of halacha, the Rif, Rambam and Rosh, pasken like Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbeinu Channanel, Baal Hamaor, Ramban and Ran pasken like Rabbi Yosi Ben Rabbi Yehuda as well. However, some rishonim, including the Semag and Semak, pasken like Rebbi.
The Mishnah Berurah writes that the minhag is to be machmir in accordance with Rebbi. Therefore, one must be concerned for losh already from placing items together in a container, even without stirring them.
Another point we need to discuss is whether all combined materials are equal. We have used the example of flour and water, which combine together with a chemical reaction. Other things, such as mayonnaise and tuna or oil and eggs, combine tightly together but not on a chemical level. Other foods do not even bind tightly together, such as coarse sand and water. We will discuss whether it will make a difference to the chiyuv of losh in the upcoming shiur, be’ezras Hashem.
Losh is the melacha of combining a solid and liquid together. We are machmir that the mere placing of both items in the same container is already considered the melacha of losh, and certainly the active kneading or mixing of the items is losh as well.