We are beginning siman 2, where the Chayei Adam discusses creating mustard or horseradish. Both are created by grinding up the original item and mixing it with vinegar. The Chayei Adam writes that if vinegar was not added before Shabbos, it is assur to add vinegar on Shabbos, as it creates a belilah avah and therefore is clearly a bar gibul. One cannot rely on changing the order of the placement of the ingredients, because that level of shinui only works for a belilah raka, as we learned yesterday. Therefore, the Chayei Adam concludes that one can make the item into a belilah raka, where changing the order of the ingredients is considered a shinui. Thus, one would add the vinegar before the mustard seed or horseradish plant. Additionally, the mixture cannot be stirred in a regular manner, as we have learned, but will also require a shinui, such as stirring with one’s hand, or shaking the utensil until everything is combined (or stirring in a crisscross method, as we have learned).
In regards to creating Chrayonnaise (a mixture of chrain and mayo), there is a potential losh issue, because the semi-solid state of chrain should be considered a solid, so one would be considered as having combined a solid together with a liquid in order to create a mass, which was our definition for losh (s481). Additionally, it would have to be made into a belilah raka.
We will see another possible approach to this question in the upcoming shiur, be’ezras Hashem.
A lower level shinui will only work for a belilah raka, because it is an issur derabanan. A belilah avah requires a more significant shiui since it is assur mideoraysa.
Therefore, items such as mustard or horseradish can still be made on Shabbos if they are made into a belilah raka, changing the order of the ingredients, and mixing with a shinui.