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Performing a Complete Melacha 3; Chatzi Shiur 2; Hakal Kal Kodem (Klal 9 Siman 9) Hilchos Shabbos – S0290

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D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Performing a Complete Melacha 3; Chatzi Shiur 2; Hakal Kal Kodem (Klal 9 Siman 9) Hilchos Shabbos - S0290
  We are beginning siman 9, where the Chayei Adam discusses the concept of performance of a full melacha versus performance of a partial melacha. We left off discussing the difference between the concept of performing a partial melacha, where one is patur mideoraysa, and chatzi shiur, where one is chayav mideoraysa.    The achronim suggest regarding certain melachos that there actually is a concept of chatzi melacha. In other words, in Rav Yochanan’s world (who holds chatzi shiur is assur, see shiur s289), a shiur is not an intrinsic part of the definition of the aveirah. There is a halacha l’Moshe miSinai that oneshim require shiurim, but aveiros do not. It is inherently considered an aveirah even if a person is eating less than a shiur. It is only the punishment which requires a shiur, but the aveirah applies even on the smallest amount. However, in certain cases, the shiur is an integral part of the aveirah, and without the shiur, it is not even an aveirah at all.  Thus, while If one is kotzair half a grogeres of wheat, they have transgressed the aveirah of kotzair, but it is not enough to be chayav for punishment, by these following examples, the shiur is an integral part of the aveirah. For example,  
  • If one is carrying 4 amos in reshus harabim, or doing hotzaah from reshus hayachid to reshus harabim,  but not finishing the melacha, such as only doing akira or hanacha, or only carrying two amos and not four.
  • When it comes to tofair, the minimal shiur is two stitches. Chazal explain that one stitch is not enough to stitch two pieces of clothing together, and therefore the melacha is making two stitches.
  • Some suggest that when it comes to the melacha of kosaiv, the mishnah says the minimum melacha is writing two letters. Some understand that the melacha performed in the mishkan was writing letters in pairs, so the shiur of two letters is inherent to the performance of the melacha. 
  Thus, we have scenarios which are both chatzi shiur and chatzi melacha, and while chatzi shiur is intrinsically an aveirah, doing part of the melacha (chatzi melacha) is not, and not assur medeoraysa.    While on the topic, we know that the halacha is that if one needs to eat on Yom Kippur, they should preferably eat less than a shiur at a time. If chatzi shiur is also assur mideoraysa, we need to understand what one accomplishes by eating less than a shiur at a time.  The Gemara in Yoma introduces the concept of hakal kal kodem, that if a person is forced to perform an aveirah to save a life, it is preferable to begin with the lighter issur. For example, if one must eat due to pikuach nefesh, and they have the choice of eating neveilah (lav) or cheilev (kareis), they should begin with the neveilah. Similarly, if the person’s life can be saved with half a kezayis, it is preferable to have less than the shiur than to have an entire koseves (the shiur for Yom Kippur), because a full shiur is more chamur, evidenced by the fact that a chatzi shiur is not punishable, and a full shiur is. Thus, the reason we try to have someone eat less than a shiur at a time is because it is a lighter issur, but it is definitely an issur.   Summary
  • One is muttar medeoraysa for a chatzi melacha (and assur mederabanon), yet assur medeoraysa for a chatzi shiur. 
  • Hakal kal kodem is the concept that even when it is muttar to transgress an issur, it is preferable to transgress a lighter issur than a more chamur one.

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