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Klal 67 Siman 12

1339 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 4 – Understanding the Underlying Logic; Introduction to siman 13-15

 We are finishing siman 12 and need to clarify the concept of mishel av and mishel ben. Any time we discuss a mitzvah, a person is obligated to spend up to one fifth of their money to do the mitzvah. For example, the mitzvah of tefillin is fulfilled by wearing them. Buying tefillin is only […]

1339 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 4 – Understanding the Underlying Logic; Introduction to siman 13-15 Read More »

1338 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 3 – Conflict Between Work and Kibud Av v’Eim

 We are continuing in siman 12, regarding children providing financial support to their parents. We learned that If the child has absolutely no money, he is not chayav to knock on doors in an effort to collect for his parents. However, if the child has enough to support himself but not enough to share with

1338 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 3 – Conflict Between Work and Kibud Av v’Eim Read More »

1337 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 2 – Supporting the Parent

 We are continuing in siman 12, where the Chayei Adam introduces the concept of forcing a child to financially support their parents. We have learned that the child’s chiyuv does not stem from the mitzvah of kibbud av v’eim, because the chiyuv of kibbud av v’eim only includes acts of service. Rather, the chiyuv to

1337 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 2 – Supporting the Parent Read More »

1336 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 1 – Kofin on Mitzvos

 We are beginning siman 12. As we mentioned in the previous siman, the Chayei Adam writes that the financial outlay for kibud av v’eim is the responsibility of the parents, and the child’s chiyuvim are only the acts of service. Thus, for example, the child may be chayav to feed their parents, but the expenses

1336 – Kibud Av v’Eim – (Klal 67 Siman 12) – Financial Outlay is from the Parent 1 – Kofin on Mitzvos Read More »

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