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Tosefes Shabbos 6 – Kabbalah vs Automatic 2; Why 30 Minutes  (Klal 5 Siman 1) Erev Shabbos – S0116

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Tosefes Shabbos 6 - Kabbalah vs Automatic 2; Why 30 Minutes  (Klal 5 Siman 1) Erev Shabbos - S0116
We are beginning siman 2, where the Chayei Adam discusses what a person needs to do in order to accept Shabbos. We learned that according to the Chayei Adam, the minimal amount of tosefes Shabbos is accepted automatically. The Chayei Adam writes that this amount of time is 30 minutes. Today, we will clarify how the Chayei Adam reaches this number, and whether he is following the opinion of Rabbeinu Tam, who holds that bein hashmashos does not begin immediately after sunset, or of the Geonim, who hold that bein hashmashos begins immediately after sunset (see S0112).   The Piskei Mishnah Berurah, in note 4, quotes the Biur Halacha, who points out that the machlokes Rabbeinu Tam and Geonim has another application. According to Rabbeinu Tam, the appropriate time for Tosefes Shabbos is after the sun sets. It is within that timeframe that the Chayei Adam holds tosefes Shabbos occurs automatically. However, we follow the Geonim, that bein hashmashos begins with sunset, which means tosefes Shabbos begins before sunset. If so, the tosefes Shabbos takes place at a time at which the sun has not yet set; there, everyone agrees that there is no automatic acceptance of tosefes Shabbos. According to the Chayei Adam, since it is already getting dark and already within the realms of night, the tosefes Shabbos is automatic. According to the Geonim, since the sun is still in the sky, there is no automatic acceptance of tosefes Shabbos. The language of the Chayei Adam is precise, and leads us to his understanding, as he writes that the 30 minutes is kodem halaila, rather than before shkia.    Practically, since we calculate bein hashmashos from sunset, a person would have an issur melacha due to a safeik deoraysa (Shabbos), and not just due to the positive mitzvah of tosefes Shabbos.   Historically, there were communities in Europe which performed melacha past sunset. There is a famous story involving the Satmar Rebbe. The first few weeks after he had arrived in America, he would drive in a car to shul on erev Shabbos after sunset, in accordance with this opinion brought by the Chayei Adam and in accordance with what they had done in Europe.    There are some who hold that even according to us, who follow the Geonim, the acceptance of tosefes Shabbos is also automatic, and begins a few minutes before sunset.  Rav Akiva Eiger says that the mitzvah deoraysa of tosefes Shabbos is adding the most minimal amount, and more than that is derabanan. The assumption of most poskim is that whatever amount a person adds is deoraysa.    Summary
  • According to the Chayei Adam, it is only in regards to accepting a larger amount of tosefes Shabbos that a verbal declaration or physical action may be necessary, as the minimal amount of tosefes Shabbos takes effect automatically 30 minutes before nightfall.
  • However, the Chayei Adam follows the opinion of Rabbeinu Tam, that bein hashmashos is not until closer to nightfall. 
  • We follow the opinion of the Geonim, who hold bein hashmashos begins immediately after sunset. Therefore, our tosefes Shabbos takes effect during daytime, and everyone agrees does not take effect automatically.

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