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1138 Klal 59 Siman 1: Shinui Makom 2 – If One Left Before the Bracha Achrona

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
1138 Klal 59 Siman 1: Shinui Makom 2 - If One Left Before the Bracha Achrona

We are continuing in siman 1. The Chayei Adam began the siman by writing that lechatchilla, one should never leave the place in which they ate without first reciting the appropriate bracha achrona (besides to perform a mitzvah), in order to avoid forgetting to recite it. 

However, if one does leave their first place, the Chayei Adam writes that the halacha depends on the bracha achrona they are required to recite. If one needs to recite a borei nefashos, they can recite it in the place they are now. However, if one needs to recite al hamichya or birkas hamazon, a person may have to return to their previous place. The Chayei Adam refers the learner to Klal 51 and 47.

In Klal 51 siman 24, the Chayei Adam writes that there is a safeik whether one must return to their original place to recite al hamichya. Therefore, lechatchilla one should return, but b’shaas hadechak (in pressing circumstances) one may recite it in their new place. 

In Klal 47 siman 9, the Chayei Adam writes that if one needs to recite birkas hamazon, one should return to their original place. If they left the original place b’meizid (aware of the halacha and intentionally violating it), they must return to their original place. If they left b’shogeig, although lechatchilla they should still return to the original place, bedieved they can recite birkas hamazon in the new place. If one is in the middle of travelling, and had stopped somewhere to eat and left beshogieg, they do not need to return to recite birkas hamazon.

In siman 8, the Chayei Adam points out that one can also eat a kezayis of bread in their new place, and then may recite birkas hamazon in the new place.

In siman 10, the Chayei Adam writes that if one went against the halacha and recited brikas hamazon in their new place when they were supposed to return, bedieved they are yotzei. 

In situations where one is supposed to return to their first place, if, by the time they return, it will be past the shiur ichul (time of digestion), they should recite birkas hamazon where they are and should not go back.


  • One should train themselves to immediately recite a bracha achrona in order to avoid an issue of a shinui makom.
  • If one left their first place:
    • If they need to recite borei nefashos, they do not need to return
    • If they need to recite al hamichya, lechatchilla one should return, but b’shaas hadechak they do not need to return.
    • If they need to recite birkas hamazon, if they left b’meizid, they must return. If they left b’shogeig, they should return, but bedieved they do not need to return.
      • One can also eat a kezayis of bread in their new place and recite birkas hamazon in the new place for both consumptions.
      • In situations of meizid, if one went against the halacha and recited birkas hamazon in the new place, bedieved they are yotzei.
      • If one will pass the shiur ichul by returning to the old place, they should recite birkas hamazon in the new place.

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