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April 17, 2023

Cooking Food Going Into Shabbos 9 – A Blech 2 – Shehiyah 6 – (Klal 2 Siman 3) Erev Shabbos- S0045

 We have finished siman 3, and are discussing the concept of gerufah u’ketumah, which, for our purposes, means putting up a blech. We learned (S0039) that there are differences between Ashkenazim and Sephardim regarding how cooked the food must be before putting it directly on a fire (i.e., without gerufah uketumah) before Shabbos. This machlokes

Cooking Food Going Into Shabbos 9 – A Blech 2 – Shehiyah 6 – (Klal 2 Siman 3) Erev Shabbos- S0045 Read More »