This website is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas R’ Shmuel Yitzchak ben R’ Moshe A”H ר’ שמואל יצחק בן ר’ משה ע”ה
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October 3, 2023

Kiddush B’mokom Seuda – 6 – Defining Seudah (Klal 6 Siman 22) Hilchos Shabbos – S0182

We are beginning siman 22, discussing the definition of “seudah” as it pertains to being yotzei kiddush b’mokom seudah. We mentioned the approach of Rav Moshe regarding people who eat by a kiddush on Pesach without eating mezonos or wine. Rav Moshe understands that there are two points relevant to kiddush b’mokom seudah. One is […]

Kiddush B’mokom Seuda – 6 – Defining Seudah (Klal 6 Siman 22) Hilchos Shabbos – S0182 Read More »

Kiddush B’mokom Seudah 5 – Defining Seudah (Klal 6 Siman 22) Hilchos Shabbos – S0181

  The current series, which will cover Maariv on Friday night and Kiddush, is available for sponsorship. Please contact Rabbi Reingold for more information.   We are beginning siman 22, where the Chayei Adam is discussing kiddush b’mokom seudah. Today, we will discuss the definition of a “seudah”.  The Gra holds that a meal means

Kiddush B’mokom Seudah 5 – Defining Seudah (Klal 6 Siman 22) Hilchos Shabbos – S0181 Read More »

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