This website is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas R’ Shmuel Yitzchak ben R’ Moshe A”H ר’ שמואל יצחק בן ר’ משה ע”ה
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Rephael Cattan

1175 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 5-6) – Bracha on Smell 6 – Peppercorns; Defining What is an Eitz or Eisev

  We are continuing in siman 5. THe Chayei Adam writes that one should avoid smelling peppercorns (which are a tree berry) and ginger. These items are generally not used for their smell, but for their taste. Therefore, some poskim hold they do not receive a bracha, and others hold that even if the consensus […]

1175 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 5-6) – Bracha on Smell 6 – Peppercorns; Defining What is an Eitz or Eisev Read More »

1175 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 4-5) – Bracha on Smell 5 – Cloves, Rosehips

 We are beginning siman 4. The Chayei Adam writes that the bracha on cloves is borei minei besamim. Borei minei besamim is the most general bracha for smell, and is only recited when there is not a more specific bracha that can be recited. Cloves grow on a tree, and are the fruit of a

1175 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 4-5) – Bracha on Smell 5 – Cloves, Rosehips Read More »

1174 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 4 – Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits 3; Primary Function

 We have finished siman 2 and have a few points to clarify. The Chayei Adam wrote that the correct text of the bracha for good smelling fruits is asher nosan reiach tov bapeiros, in past tense. Many siddurim have the text hanosein reiach tov bapeiros, in the present tense. The Chayei Adam, Mishnah Berurah and

1174 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 4 – Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits 3; Primary Function Read More »

1173 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 3- Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits 2; Kavana 1

 We are continuing in siman 2 regarding the bracha of asher nosan reiach tov bapeiros. We learned yesterday that one should avoid smelling an esrog during Sukkos, due to the machlokes whether one should make a bracha. It is important to point out that the Mishnah Berurah writes that if one does pick up an

1173 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 3- Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits 2; Kavana 1 Read More »

1172 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 2 – Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits

 We are beginning siman 2. There are multiple brachos determined by Chazal for smell: The most general bracha is borei minei besamim.  Borei isvei besamim is for items which grow as grasses.  Borei atzei besamim is for items which grow on trees or tree-like plants.  Fruits which have a beautiful smell are asher nosan reiach

1172 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 2) – Bracha on Smell 2 – Bracha for Nice Smelling Fruits Read More »

1171 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 1) – Bracha on Smell 1 – Introduction

We are beginning Klal 61, which discusses the brachos made on smell.  The Chayei Adam begins by writing that one is forbidden to derive benefit from a good smell without making a bracha. We know there is a general rule, also learned from a pasuk, prohibiting benefit from this world without a bracha, but the

1171 – Birchas Hareiach – (Klal 61 Siman 1) – Bracha on Smell 1 – Introduction Read More »

1169 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 11 – The Item Fell Before He Ate It; Klal 5 Siman 7

 In siman 6, the Chayei Adam discusses situations a) of one who makes a bracha on a fruit before the fruit was in front of them, b) if the fruit dropped between making the bracha and before eating from it, and c) when makes a bracha and then realizes their item was inedible. The Chayei

1169 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 11 – The Item Fell Before He Ate It; Klal 5 Siman 7 Read More »

1168 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 10 – Waiting for the Food; Klal 5 Siman 7

 We have finished siman 5, and there are a few points we need to clarify. We learned (shiur 1164, 1167) that, by default, a bracha does not extend from food to drink or vice versa. Rav Elyashiv ztl adds that this halacha also applies to even different foods or different drinks which serve different functions,

1168 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 10 – Waiting for the Food; Klal 5 Siman 7 Read More »

1167 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 9 – Other Details of Extending Brachos

 We have finished siman 5, and there are a few points we need to clarify. We learned the halacha of a guest, and the ability for one to outsource their daas to someone else. Rav Elyashiv zt”l applied this halacha to a husband and wife, if one of them is not involved in the decisions

1167 Klal 60 Siman 5: Extending Brachos 9 – Other Details of Extending Brachos Read More »

1164 Klal 60 Siman 3: Extending Brachos 6 – Correction Shiur for 1161, 1162, 1163

 We need to correct a mistake. The Chayei Adam has an approach which is not accepted as the halacha, and, because we have been following his text, it has led to a mistake. The Shulchan Aruch, in 206:5, writes that if one makes a bracha on fruits, and then more fruits are brought to the

1164 Klal 60 Siman 3: Extending Brachos 6 – Correction Shiur for 1161, 1162, 1163 Read More »

1162 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 4 – If All the Fruit was Eaten

 We are continuing in siman 1. The Chayei Adam continues discussing the halachos of extending one’s bracha when they had stam daas at the time they made the bracha. In a case of stam daas, even if  all of the fruits on the table were eaten and others were subsequently brought out, the Chayei Adam

1162 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 4 – If All the Fruit was Eaten Read More »

1161 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 3 – If Some Fruit was Still on the Table

 We are beginning siman 1. We have learned (shiur 1159) that there are five types of intent one can have at the time of their bracha: to eat a specific number of foods Intent to eat as much as possible  Stam daas Koveah/k’vius to eat “Outsourced” daas Today, the Chayei Adam will discuss the first

1161 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 3 – If Some Fruit was Still on the Table Read More »

1160 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 2 – Introduction 2: 3 Other Criteria

 We are continuing with an introduction to Klal 60. We learned that one of the levels of intent a person could have at the time of their bracha is stam daas. There are three other criteria which will be taken into consideration when a person has such daas.  The first is what is currently on

1160 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 2 – Introduction 2: 3 Other Criteria Read More »

1159 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 1 – Introduction 1: 5 Types of Da’as

We are beginning Klal 60, which discusses extending a bracha. There are many different points to this concept. The first concept we need to understand regarding extending a bracha are the different levels of intent one can have when making a bracha, and how they will relate to extending it.  There are five levels of

1159 Klal 60 Siman 1: Extending Brachos 1 – Introduction 1: 5 Types of Da’as Read More »

1158 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 22 – M’Cheder L’Cheder

We have finished Klal 59, but we need to clarify one point. In shiur 1141, we learned that, m’ikar hadin (according to the letter of the law) a shinui makom can be effected even when one moves  m’cheder l’cheder, between rooms of a house. However, we also learned that the Mishnah Berurah brought an opinion

1158 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 22 – M’Cheder L’Cheder Read More »

1157 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 21 – Daas to Move L’chatchilla

 We are continuing in Klal 59. We will discuss situations where it is muttar lechatchilla to effect a shinui makom during an eating session. In Klal 47, the Chayei Adam writes that one is not allowed to leave their makom without birchas hamazon, and one must return to where he ate to say birchas hamazon.

1157 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 21 – Daas to Move L’chatchilla Read More »

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