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Drinking From the Kiddush Wine (Klal 6) Hilchos Shabbos – S0189

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Drinking From the Kiddush Wine (Klal 6) Hilchos Shabbos - S0189


We have finished the simanim of the Chayei Adam regarding kiddush, and we will now clarify 

additional points not mentioned in the Chayei Adam. Yesterday, we mentioned that a person can be yotzei kiddush even without having drunk anything themselves, as long as there was someone who drank a melo lugmav of the kos. The Shulchan Aruch does write that it is appropriate to drink from the kos, both Friday Night and Shabbos Day, but it is not meakeiv. Either way, people who are not drinking should wait to eat or drink other items until the person drinking the kos has drunk a melo lugmav. 


There is a famous statement from the Brisker Rav, where he said that anyone who wishes to be yotzei kiddush on Shabbos Day must drink from the kos. He held that kiddush on Friday Night is primarily the second bracha, so the fact one does not drink is not meakeiv. However, on Shabbos Day, the only bracha is hagafen; meaning, the chashivus of the meal is not the bracha inasmuch as the fact that we are beginning the meal with a cup of wine. Therefore, he held that everyone must partake of the wine to be yotzei kiddush on Shabbos Day. 

It is clear from the Mishnah Berurah, in multiple places, that he does not hold of this concern. Rather, he paskens that the chashivus of the meal is demonstrated by the fact that someone has made a bracha on a kos, but not that every person has drunk from it.


Regarding being motzi another person in kiddush, when it comes to other birchos hamitzvos, one can be motzi someone else even if they are not fulfilling the mitzvah at this time (both whether they will fulfill it later or because they have already fulfilled the mitzvah). It works due to the concept of arvus, the chiyuv every member of Klal Yisroel has to help another member fulfill their mitzvos. However, when it comes to birchas hanehenin, one cannot be motzi another unless they are eating as well. Nevertheless, when it comes to the borei pri hagafen of kiddush on Friday Night (which would appear to be a birchas hanehenin), one can be motzi another even without drinking, because the bracha of hagafen comes for the mitzvah of kiddush, so it gets the status of a birchas hamitzvah rather than a birchas hanehenin.

On Shabbos Day, according to the Brisker Rav, the bracha of hagafen would seem to be purely a birchas hanehenin, so one would not be able to be motzi another without drinking themselves. However, we learned that the Mishnah Berurah sees the bracha differently, and the Rema is clear that one can be motzi others in kiddush ( borei pri hagafen) on Shabbos Day even if they are not being yotzei themselves. Thus, for example, a person who is ill and unable to talk but can drink should have someone else make kiddush and then they will drink the wine,  even though the mekadeish will not be having their seudah there, and will not drink any of the wine.



  • It is appropriate to drink from the kos of kiddush, but is not meakeiv.
  • One can be motzi another in kiddush, including the borei pri hagafen, both Friday Night and Shabbos Day, even if they are not being yotzei through that kiddush themselves.

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