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Maavir Sedra 5 – Catching Up (Klal 7 Siman 9) Hilchos Shabbos – S0216

D'var Halacha
D'var Halacha
Maavir Sedra 5 - Catching Up (Klal 7 Siman 9) Hilchos Shabbos - S0216

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We are continuing in siman 9, where the Chayei Adam discusses being maavir sedra. We will continue to clarify a few points not discussed by the Chayei Adam. 

 Occasionally a person has a situation in which they were not able to be maavir sedra for a pasha. They now have the dilemma of learning the current parsha first, or going in order and making up last week’s parsha before the current week’s parsha. The Maharsham, in Daas Torah, writes that one should begin with the current week’s parsha, and go back to last week afterwards.

He clarifies that if it is within the first three days of the new week, many opinions hold that those days are still connected to the previous Shabbos, so a person should rather make up the last week’s parsha before moving on to the current week’s parsha. From Wednesday and onwards, since those days belong to the upcoming Shabbos, one should be maavir sedra over the current week’s parsha and only afterwards go back to the previous week. 

There are those who disagree, and hold that reading the parshiyos in order is more correct. However, Rabbi Reingold follows the psak of the Maharsham.


If a person was behind and missed many parshiyos, and it is coming up to Simchas Torah and he is certain he will not be able to catch up, it is still worth it to make up as many parshiyos as possible. The primary mitzvah of shnayim mikra is to read each parsha with the tzibbbur, so each parsha has its own chiyuv to be read. Thus, even though a person will not make up all of the parshiyos, it is still valuable and worthwhile to make up as many parshiyos as they can. 


One can begin parshas Bereishis from the time that the tzibbur lains Bereishis on Simchas Torah. The simple understanding is that once the tzibbur has begun Bereishis, a person can no longer finish shnayim mikra for Vezos Habracha. However, we mentioned the opinion of the Mishnah Berurah that one can start the new parsha from Shabbos Mincha, while they can still finish off the parsha of that Shabbos until at least the end of Shabbos, according to many opinions (if not later). 

The laining of Bereishis on Simchas Torah is not the parshas hashavua, but rather based on a Midrash. The Midrash says that the Satan complains to Hashem that the Jews begin learning Torah but do not finish. Hashem shows the Satan Simchas Torah, when the Jews do finish. The Satan responds back that once they finish, the Jewish People state that they are exempt and have finished their duties. The purpose of laining Bereishis on Simchas Torah is to show that we are not finished and done with the Torah, but ready and excited to get back to it, similar to a siyum.

Therefore, the primary laining of the day is Vezos Habracha, so a person can finish Vezos Habracha until the end of Simchas Torah. At the same time, they can also begin parshas Bereishis from the time that the tzibbur lains Bereishis on Simchas Torah.



  • If a person is behind a parsha, if it is before Wednesday, they should begin with the previous parsha before moving on to the current parsha. If it is wednesday of after, they should begin with the current parsha.
  • The mitzvah is on each individual parsha, so even if one will not finish the entire Torah by Vezos Habracha, one should try to do as many as possible.
  • One can begin parshas Bereishis from the moment the tzibbur lains it on Simchas Torah, but may make up Vezos Habracha until the end of Simchas Torah.

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