This website is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas R’ Shmuel Yitzchak ben R’ Moshe A”H ר’ שמואל יצחק בן ר’ משה ע”ה
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Rephael Cattan

1156 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 20 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 4; Opinion of the Poskim for the Sefardim 

 We need to clarify a few points in siman 15 and 16. The Chayei Adam wrote that if one ate a kezayis in multiple mekomos, as long as it is consumed within a k’dei achilas pras, they combine to require a bracha achrona. It Is important to point out that  the Chayei Adam does not […]

1156 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 20 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 4; Opinion of the Poskim for the Sefardim  Read More »

1155 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 19 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 3

 We are starting siman 16 and 17. We will return to discuss situations where it is muttar lechatchilla to move to another place later. First, we will further discuss some halachos regarding bracha achrona.  We have learned that a shinui makom does not affect the k’vius created by bread or any of the shivas haminim.

1155 Klal 59 Siman 16: Shinui Makom 19 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo 3 Read More »

1153 Klal 59 Siman 15: Shinui Makom 17 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo

 We are beginning siman 15. The Chayei Adam introduces the concept that one can create a k’vius makom so strong that a shinui makom will not undermine that k’vius. The Gemara discusses this concept as a machlokes between Rav Chisda and Rav Sheshes, and most Rishonim pasken in accordance with Rav Sheshes that there are

1153 Klal 59 Siman 15: Shinui Makom 17 – Bracha Achrona B’Mekomo Read More »

1149 Klal 59 Siman 10-11: Shinui Makom 13 – Walking While Eating 2; Traveling 1

We are continuing in siman 10, and need to correct and clarify a point from yesterday. We learned that, according to the Chayei Adam, if one has daas to move from room to room within a house at the time they made their bracha, there is no issue of shinui makom. According to the Mishnah

1149 Klal 59 Siman 10-11: Shinui Makom 13 – Walking While Eating 2; Traveling 1 Read More »

1147 Klal 59 Siman 9: Shinui Makom 11 – Moving Between the Bracha and the Achila 2; Moving Between Kiddush and the Seuda

 We are continuing in siman 9. We discussed a situation in which one made a bracha and created a shinui makom before they ate. We discussed how this halacha applies to sukkos and to a sauna, and today we will learn how it applies to kiddush.  The poskim discuss whether there is an issue of

1147 Klal 59 Siman 9: Shinui Makom 11 – Moving Between the Bracha and the Achila 2; Moving Between Kiddush and the Seuda Read More »

1146 Klal 59 Siman 9: Shinui Makom 10 – Moving Between the Bracha and the Achila 1

We are beginning siman 9. We are discussing the halachos of shinui makom, and until now, the Chayei Adam has discussed situations in which one changed his makon after already beginning to eat. The Chayei Adam will now discuss changing one’s makom between the bracha and eating.  The Chayei Adam writes that if one makes

1146 Klal 59 Siman 9: Shinui Makom 10 – Moving Between the Bracha and the Achila 1 Read More »

1141 Klal 59 Siman 4: Shinui Makom 5 – From Room to Room and Corner to Corner

We are beginning siman 4. The Chayei Adam will define a makom, “place” as it applies to our halachos.  The Chayei Adam writes that leaving a room, whether going from one floor to another or even on the same floor, is considered a shinui makom. It goes without saying that going outside to the yard,

1141 Klal 59 Siman 4: Shinui Makom 5 – From Room to Room and Corner to Corner Read More »

1140 Klal 59 Siman 3: Shinui Makom 4 – Leaving and Returning to a Group

We are beginning siman 3. We have learned about different situations in which one can extend their eating session and avoid needing to make a new bracha rishona. The Chayei Adam writes of another such situation.  The Chayei Adam write that differentiations we made between borei nefashos versus al hamichya and birkas hamazon apply when

1140 Klal 59 Siman 3: Shinui Makom 4 – Leaving and Returning to a Group Read More »

1139 Klal 59 Siman 2: Shinui Makom 3 – The End of the Eating Session

We are beginning siman 2. The Chayei Adam extends the concept we learned in siman 1, that a person is not obligated to return to their original place to recite a borei nefashos, but is obligated to recite birkas hamazon and al hamichya.   The Chayei Adam writes that, regarding foods which require a borei nefashos,

1139 Klal 59 Siman 2: Shinui Makom 3 – The End of the Eating Session Read More »

1138 Klal 59 Siman 1: Shinui Makom 2 – If One Left Before the Bracha Achrona

We are continuing in siman 1. The Chayei Adam began the siman by writing that lechatchilla, one should never leave the place in which they ate without first reciting the appropriate bracha achrona (besides to perform a mitzvah), in order to avoid forgetting to recite it.  However, if one does leave their first place, the

1138 Klal 59 Siman 1: Shinui Makom 2 – If One Left Before the Bracha Achrona Read More »

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